>[call me fine, because i’m way overdue.]

black lab tables at the miracle of science. please pass the lemon; i’m a curious citrus. radiohead, the civil war, european rivers, franz ferdinand, ground new with the growing gorilla. unexpected flowing tonight, sparking from a five-hour nap. inspiration seeps from all corners, maybe turned-head, sinking swiftly into the deep blue sea.

i’m a condiments kind of girl.

yesterday, had a fine day swimming in the clear waters of zesiger, followed by a spritz and sonoma at grendel’s with josh. salsa to make you smile. cerulean conversation. tinker tinker, the gorgeous thinker.

even better, a 3o mile drive for the most succulent fried food around. clam strips, scallops (scull-ups!), onion rings, fries, enough breading to last a century but tastebud seduction bordering on revelation. tartar and tabasco, dip into… han and i are chowhounds, partners in crime. next victim: vietnamese sandwiches.

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